A little background: I am a lawyer praticing law in the U.S. Most of my work is litigation-based, which will probably be obvious because I think a lot about Rules of Civil Procedure. Other than that, and the information contained under the header of the blog, I don't intend to give too much more information. Law firms and their clients generally prefer to keep things "hush hush" and I have no plans to draw attention to my identity, that of my employer, or any of my clients' identities.
The purpose of this blog is essentially to give myself an outlet to vent frustration or anger with some aspect of the political system and/or to flush out nuances or issues in the law which are interesting to me. By writing about and fiddling around with these issues, I am hoping to understand them better and refine my viewpoints and practice. If someone comes across this blog and finds some stimulation or entertainment, all the better.